Here are some excerpts from K.C.'s latest email.
"Two weeks have come and gone, and I feel exhausted. Thank goodness for P-day! (Preparation Day) We get to go to the temple every Thursday, and it’s wonderful to catch my breath and take my time thinking to myself instead of worrying how to conjugate verbs and say a prayer in another language. Nah, it’s all been great and very rewarding."
"There are about 75 or so missionaries from the US and South and Central America here at the MTC. There is one guy even from Italy!"
"I have never felt the power of the Atonement and the love that Heavenly Father has for me more than now! As I write this, I feel truly blessed to have this knowledge, and more than ever, I want to share it with others, even if they can’t quite understand me yet."
"We had the opportunity last Saturday to go and teach in the surrounding neighborhoods for two hours. The tracting was really scary at first, especially since we know very little Spanish. We had to clap at their front gates to get them to come out and talk to us, and even then some of them just open their windows and yell at us, then slam them shut. They must be REALLY tired of missionaries almost every Saturday. We met some nice people though, and we found a member who invited us to her porch. We shared our testimonies in nervous Spanish, and she thanked us and we went on our way. I think another woman wanted us to come back another time. I’m not sure, but she gave me her name so I wrote it down and wrote down her address so we can stop by this coming Saturday. We’ll see."
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